

词汇 afraid
释义 afraid音标:[ ə'freid ]    adj.〔常用作表语〕1.畏惧,害怕。2.恐怕,担心,愁着,担忧。短语和例子Who's afraid 谁怕? 一点不怕。 Don't be afraid. 别怕,不要怕。 This is nothing to be afraid of. 这没有什么了不起。 He is afraid for [about] his own safety [what will happen]. 他担心自己的安全[将来发生的事]。 be afraid of [to (do), that] 怕,害怕 (He is not afraid of anything. 他肆无忌惮。 He is afraid of his own shadow. 他提心吊胆,连自己的影子都害怕)。 I'm afraid ...〔口语〕恐怕(是),我看(是)…。 I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. 星期一恐怕去不了。 I am afraid that... 不瞒你说,我看是这样。




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