

词汇 resign
释义 resign音标:[ ri'zain ]    vt.1.辞去(职务)。2.放弃,抛弃(权利等);让出(工作等)。3.〔用反身代词或用被动语态〕委身给,听从,服从。4.委托,把…交托给 (to)。 He resigned his seat to a lady. 他给一位女士让座。 be resigned to one's fate 听天由命了。 resign one's child to sb.'s care 委托某人照顾自己的孩子。 be resigned to a state of lagging behind 甘居下游,自甘落后。 notresign oneself to 不甘心。 resign oneself to 听任;只好(做某事) (to sth., to do) (resign oneself to waiting [to wait] till next morning 只好等到明天再说。resign oneself to extinction 束手待毙。resign oneself to another's guidance 听任别人指导。We must resign ourselves to doing without a domestic help. 我们只好不用仆人)。vi.1.辞职,退职,退出 (from)。2.服从。短语和例子resign (from) one's office 〔美国〕辞职。 resign to one's fate 听天由命。




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