

词汇 appear
释义 appear音标:[ ə'piə ]    vi.1.出现,露出,显现。2.出庭,出场,演出,(在公开场合)露面。3.(书等)出版;发表。4.变得明显。5.显得,好像。短语和例子appear in public 露面。 appear in court 出庭,到案。 for reasons that do not appear 用含糊的理由。 appear on the stage 上台,演出。 He appears to have caught cold. 他似乎是受凉了。 He appears (to be) very young. 他显得很年轻。 It appears to me that you are right. 我觉得你是对的。 It appears that ... 似乎是…。 strange as it may appear 虽似奇怪〔插入语〕。




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