

词汇 teach
释义 teach音标:[ ti:tʃ ]    过去式:taught   过去分词:taught   现在分词:teaching   vt.1.(向某人)教、讲授(某课程);使某人学会做某事 (to do sth.)。2.(以某事或某经验教训)教育、教导某人 (that)。3.〔口语〕(如对方做某事则予以)教训;告诫某人别做某事。4.使…学习;做…的教师。 teach a child to read 教孩子识字[阅读]。 teach physics to the students 教学生物理。 I taught him how to swim. 我曾教他游泳。 T- your granny to suck eggs! =T- a dog to bark! 〔谚语〕班门弄斧。 This will teach you to speak the truth. 这就是给你的教训,教你别再撒谎。 The practice of science teaches us that knowledge is power. 科学的实践使我们认识到知识就是力量。 teach oneself 自学。 teach school 当教员。vi.1.(进行)教书、教学、讲授(活动)。2.(学科)可以讲授;(课程)教起来(如何如何)。短语和例子She teaches at a primary school. 她在小学教书。 I've been teaching four periods this morning. 今天上午我已教了四节课。 a course that teaches easily 一门容易教的课。 I will teachyou to meddle in my affairs. 你再管我的事我就要教训你了。




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