

词汇 until
释义 until音标:[ ən'til, ʌn'til ]    短语和例子Wait until four o'clock. 等到四点钟。 It was not until yesterday that I learned it. 到昨天我才知道。1.直到…为止;到(…的时候)。2.在…以前;不到…(不)〔用在否定句中〕。短语和例子Wait here until I come. 在这儿一直等到我来。 He didn't come back until the sun had set. 他直到太阳落山以后才回来。 ★ till 与 until 同义,但在主句之前的从句或短语中,通常用 until: Until he returns, nothing can be done. 他不回来什么也不能做。 unless and until =until.




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