

词汇 large
释义 large音标:[ lɑ:dʒ ]    adj.1.(体积,空间,数量,规模等)大的,巨大的;(权限等)广泛的。2.(心胸)宽广的,度量大的;(眼界等)开阔的,(见识等)广博的。3.(艺术风格等)奔放的,气魄宏大的;夸张的。4.【航海】顺风的。短语和例子a large calibre gun 大口径炮。 a large garden 大花园。 a large room 大房间。 large and small sizes 大小尺寸。 be large of limbs 大手大脚。 a large family 多子女的家庭。 a large number 大批 ( = largenumbers)。 a large population 人口众多。 a large farmer 富农。 a large merchant 巨商。 have a large discretion 有广泛的决定权。 large powers 大权。 large units 大兵团。 a large heart 宽宏大量。 a man of large views 见识广博的人。 large tolerance 胸怀广大。 ★ large 在口语中不像 big 那样常用,也不像 great 那样含有“伟大”,“壮大”的意义。 as large as life 1. 和原物一样大小。 2. 〔戏谑语〕亲自,千真万确 (There he was as large as life. 他本人就在那里)。n.大〔仅用于下列习语〕。 at large 1. 自由,随便;拉杂地,零乱地。 (He scatters imputations at large. 他乱讲坏话)。2.未被捕,逍遥自在 (Is the prisoner still at large 犯人还未归案么?)。3.全体;普遍;一般 (the people at large 一般人民)。4.充分,详细 (talk at large 详细讲)。5.未决定 (leave the matter at large 让事件无着落)。6.无固定职位[任所]的 (a gentleman at large 无职宫廷官吏;〔戏谑语〕无一定职业的人。 an ambassador at large 〔美国〕无任所大使)。7.〔美国〕(非某一选区而是)全州选出的 (a Congressman at large 州选议员)。8.笼统地 (arrangements made at large 笼统作出的安排)。in (the) large 1. 大规模地。 2. 一般地。adv.1.大,大大地。2.详细地。3.夸大地。4.【航海】顺风地 (sail large 顺风航行)。短语和例子by and large 从全体看来。 talk large 吹牛,说大话。




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