

词汇 mercy
释义 mercy音标:[ 'mə:si ]    名词复数:mercies   n.1.仁慈;怜悯;宽恕;恩惠。2.幸运;侥幸;〔美口〕感谢。短语和例子the heart of the Goddess of Mercy 菩萨心肠。 Mercy! = Mercy (up) on us! 啊呀!我的天哪!That is a mercy. 那真是幸运。 at the mercy of 完全受…支配,任由…摆布,在…掌握中。 for mercy = for mercy's sake! 请大发慈悲!请可怜可怜!求求您!have mercy (up) on = show mercy to 可怜…,怜悯。 leave to the tender mercies of 〔反意语〕任由…摆布,使吃…的苦头 (He was left to the tender mercies of the landlord. 他大受地主的虐待)。 What a mercy that...! 幸好,幸亏(What a mercy [It is a mercy] that you did not go! 幸亏你没去)。 without mercy 狠着心肠,毫不容情地,残忍地。




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