

词汇 expense
释义 expense音标:[ ik'spens ]    名词复数:expenses   n.1.(时间、精力、金钱等的)消耗,花消,消费。2.(无形的)损失;牺牲。3.〔常 pl.〕费用;(额外)开支。4.费钱的东西。短语和例子household [domestic] expenses 家用。 sundry [miscellaneous] expenses 杂费。 running [current] expenses 经常费。 incidental expenses 临时费。 school expenses 学费。 travelling expenses 旅费。 at a great expense 以巨大费用。 at any expense无论花费多少。 at his [her, my] expense嘲弄他[她,我等] (They have a good laugh at his expense. 他们嘲笑他)。 at one's own [public] expense自[公]费 (He went abroad at his own expense. 他自费出国)。 at the expense of 以…为代价;由…出钱;牺牲… (He attained his goal at the expense of others. 他牺牲别人来达到自己的目的)。 cut down [curtail] one's expenses 节省开支。 free of expense免费。 go to expense 花钱,用钱,出钱。 meet one's expenses 足够开支。 put sb. to expense使人花钱,使某人负担用费,使破财。 regardless of expense不计钱财,不惜花费。 spare no expense不惜花费。




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