

词汇 drown
释义 drown音标:[ draun ]    vt.1.使溺死,淹死。2.使湿透;淹没。3.使沉溺于,使迷恋 (in)。4.消(愁),解(闷)。5.(噪音等)盖掉(低声)。6.搀淡,冲淡(饮料)。7.(加水)化开(生石灰)。 短语和例子get [be] drowned 淹死。 drown oneself in a river 淹死在河里。 eyes drowned in tears 泪汪汪的眼睛。 be drowned in wine 恋酒贪杯。 be drowned in sleep 在酣睡中。 His voice was drowned by the coughing of the audience. 他的声音被听众的咳嗽声淹没了。 drown one's whisky 冲淡威士忌酒。 drown one's sorrows [cares] in wine 以酒消愁[解忧]。vi.淹死;沉没。 fall in the water and drown 落水淹死。 The boat drowned but we were saved. 船沉了,但我们幸而获救。 a drowning man 快要淹死的人。 drown out 1. (洪水)把(人)赶跑。2.把(另一声音)压倒[淹没、盖住]。like a drowned rat (湿得)像落汤鸡。n.-er 溺死者。




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