

词汇 believe
释义 believe音标:[ bi'li:v ]    vt.1.信,相信,确信。2.想,以为,认为。 I believe him. = I believe what he says. 我相信他(的话)。 I believe him to be honest. 我认为他是诚实的。 I don't believe I know him. 我想我不认识他。 The fugitive is believed to be headed for the border. 逃犯被认为在向国境线逃窜。 I believe so. 我认为如此;我想是这样。vi.1.相信。2.信任,信赖。3.信奉,信仰 (in). I believe not. 我认为不是这样。短语和例子Seeing is believeing. 百闻不如一见,眼见心服。 I believe in you. 我相信你,我对你有信心。 believe in Zoroastrianism 信奉祆教。 I believe in early rising. 我相信早起是好的。 I don't believe in marrying young. 我不赞成早婚。 believe it or not 〔美口〕信不信由你,我说的是真的。 B- me. 真的,是真的呀。 make believe 假装 (She make believe not to hear me. 她假装没有听到我的话)。 You'd better believe 〔美口〕的确,无疑。




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