

词汇 execution
释义 execution音标:[ ˌeksi'kju:ʃən ]    名词复数:executions   n.1.实行,履行,执行;贯彻。2.执行死刑;强制执行;执行命令。3.作成,完成;签名盖印使法律文件生效;执行法律。4.扮演,演奏,(演奏)技巧,手法。5.成功,奏效;效果;(武器的)杀伤力。短语和例子forcible execution 强制执行。 The execution leaves much to be desired, though the idea is good. 设想虽好,执行起来很难如愿。 execution by hanging 绞刑。 carry [put] into execution 实行,实施。 do execution奏效,见效;(武器有)摧毁作用 (He did great execution among the cakes. 他吃掉很多饼)。 Every shot did execution . 百发百中。 E- Dock 【英史】(泰晤士 (Thames) 河畔处决海盗等的)死刑码头。 make good execution 【军事】摧毁;使敌方受重大损失。 put to execution 处死刑,执行死刑。




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