

词汇 inch
释义 inch音标:[ intʃ ]    过去式:inched   过去分词:inched   名词复数:inches   现在分词:inching   n.1.英寸〔旧译时略作 in.〕。2.少量,少额,少许。3.〔 pl.〕身长,身段,个子。短语和例子an inch of rain 一英寸的雨量。 Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. 〔谚语〕他得寸进尺。 not yield an inch寸步不让。 an inch of cold steel 尖刀的一戳。 a man of your inches 像你一样高的人。 by inches 一点一点地,渐渐(die by inches 渐死,就要死。 kill by inches 慢慢地折磨死)。 every inch完全地,彻底地(He is every inch a local despot 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝)。 gather up one's inches 直站起来。 inch by inch = by inches. to an inch 丝毫不差地,精密地。 within an inch of 差点儿,几乎。 within an inch of one's life 差点儿丧命。 by inch of candle 通过拍卖。vt.使渐进,使渐动,使一点一点地移动。 inch one's way forward 慢慢前进。vi.渐进,一步一步前进。 inch along a ledge on a cliff 在悬岩的突出部分匍匐而进。n.〔苏格兰语〕小岛。




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