

词汇 liable
释义 liable音标:[ 'laiəbl ]    adj.1.(对…)应负(法律)责任的,有义务的。2.应受的,应服从的。3.有…倾向的,易…的,易陷于…的,易害…的;〔口语〕大概,多半,很可能。短语和例子be liable for a debt = be liable to pay a debt 有偿还债务责任。 be liable to the law 应服从法律。 be liable to the penalty 该受罚。 be liable to tax 应付税。 be liable to catch cold 容易伤风。 Difficulties are liable to occur 容易出问题。 He is liable to fits of temper 他动不动就发脾气。 He is liable to come today. 他今天很可能会来。




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