

词汇 do
释义 do音标:[ dəu ]    过去式:did   过去分词:done   现在分词:doing   短语和例子do1vt.(did done 陈述语气第三人称单数现在式 does )1.行,为,作,做,办,干;尽(义务等),竭(力),担任,从事。 do one's work 干工作。 do odd jobs 干杂活,打零工。 do business 做买卖。 do washing 洗东西。 Who has done it 这是谁干的? do the host 做主人,当东。 do one's duty 尽义务。 crimes done deliberately 蓄意犯罪。 do a good deed 行善,做好事。 do penance 忏悔。 do one's best = do the best one can 竭尽所能。 do one's worst 捣乱。 What can I do for you 有什么事吗? 我能帮你干什么吗? (店员招呼顾客)要买什么吗? I have much to do to pay my monthly bills. 我应付每月的开支不是容易的。2.完成,做完。 I have done reading. 我已经看完书了。 You have done it very well. 你做得很好。 Now you've done it. 〔俚语〕这可糟了! 可被你搞坏了! But it was done now, and it could not be helped. 生米已成熟饭,没有办法了。3.给与;带来,产生;加以,使蒙受。 Too much exercise will do you harm. 运动过度可能有害。 Such a book does credit to the writer. 这样的书给作者带来声誉。 Will you do me a favor 能帮个忙吗? It doesn't do any good. 这不会有什么好处。 do homage to 对…表敬意。 do sb. justice 为某人说公平话;不亏待某人。4.处理;修理;收拾(房间等);洗;整(容);预备(功课);解答(问题)。 do the dishes 洗碗碟。 do one's face 整容,化妆。 do the flowers 把花摆设好。 do one's hair 梳头发,做头发。 do the room [kitchen]收拾房间[厨房]。 do one's homework 做作业,做功课。 do English 学英语,做英语作业。5.翻译;改写;创作;抄,誊写。 do a Latin passage into Chinese 把一段拉丁文译成中文。 do a poem into prose 把诗改写成散文。 She does oil portraits. 她创作油画肖像。 I have to do ten copies 我得抄十份。6.访问,游览,参观,逛。 They did London in five days. 他们花五天时间游览伦敦。 do the sights游览名胜。7.适合,对…合宜,对…够用。 That would do me very well. 那对我很适合,那好极啦。 Ten dollars will do me. 十美元就够我用了。 Will this chair do you 这椅子行吗? 8. 走过,跑过,跋涉。 He did 20 miles a day on foot. 他一天走了二十英里。9.扮演;上演;〔口语〕装出〔一般接 the + 形容词〕。 do Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特。 We did Othello 我们演出《奥赛罗》。 do the amiable 装得和蔼可亲的样子。 do the big 充好汉。10.煮,煎,烧。 do the meat thoroughly 把肉煮透。 steak done to a turn 牛排煎得很好。11.〔俚语〕欺骗;打败。 I'm afraid (that) you've been done. 我恐怕你已经受骗了。 be done for $ 500 at poker 赌牌时被骗去500元。 That does me. 那要叫我认输了。12.〔俚语〕待,对待;招待,款待。 do sb. well 优待某人;款待某人。 “I will do you next, please wait a minute.” “请稍等一下,接着就轮到你了。 ” 〔理发师对顾客说的话〕。 do oneself well [proud] 生活阔绰,养尊处优。13.〔口语〕使疲劳。 The long journey has done him. 长途旅行使他疲劳不堪。14.〔口语〕处置;〔口语〕杀死。 If you stir, I will do you. 〔俚语〕 你要是动,我就干[杀]掉你。15.〔口语〕服(刑);做满(任期)。 do five years for forgery 因犯伪造罪服刑5年。 do a year as chairman of the club 任俱乐部主席一年。16.为(小说等)写评论。短语和例子do the fiction for a newspaper 专门为一家报纸写小说评论。vi.1. 做,行动,工作;进行;行事,表现。 Let us be up and do-ing. 打起精神来工作吧! do like a gentleman 做事正派。 When at [in] Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 He is doing very well at the Bar. 他在律师界干的不错。 How shall we do for the great cost 我们怎么应付得了如此庞大的开支! do without an automobile 在没有汽车的情况下凑合着干。 2. 〔口语〕发生。 There is nothing doing!没有发生什么事。 What's do-ing at the office 办公室里出什么事了? 3. 行,可以,适合,合用(for) 够了。 This will never do. 这不中用,这个不行。 Any time will do. 什么时候都行。 This sum will do for the present. 这笔钱暂时够用了。 It would never do to neglect official obligations. 玩忽职守是绝对不行的。 That will do. 那就好了,够了。 These shoes won't do for mountaineering. 这些鞋子不适合爬山。 4. (植物等)生长,(健康等)进展。 Mother and child are doing fine. 母亲和孩子的身体都很好。 Flax does well after wheat. 收过小麦以后,亚麻长得不错。 5. 办完,结束。 短语和例子After she had done in the kitchen, she went out. 她在厨房干完活以后就出去了。 His work is never done. 他总是不把事情做完。 It is done. 做完了。 be done with 与…分手,结束 (I'm quite done with the girl. 我和那个姑娘的关系彻底结束了)。 can do with 将就,勉强能对付 (Can you do with cold mutton for lunch 你能凑合着吃点冷羊肉当午饭吗? I can do with two meals a day. 我一天只吃两顿饭也可以)。 could do with 需要,希望得到 (I could do with a good rest. 我希望好好休息一下。 You could do with a shave. 你需要刮刮脸了)。 do away with 1. 除去,废除。 2. 干掉,杀死 (Trivial formalities have to be done away with. 繁文缛节必须废除。 do away with oneself 自杀。 suspected of having done away with sb. 有杀死某人的嫌疑)。 do by 对待,待 (He does well by a friend. 他对朋友很好。 Do as you would be done by. 你愿意别人怎样待你,你就怎样待别人)。 do for 1. 〔口语〕杀死,除掉;毁掉,坏掉;累垮 (Once you are unemployed, you are done for. 一旦失业,你就完了。 It was the shot that did for him. 那颗子弹要了他的命)。 2. 适合做 (You won't do for a lawyer. 你不适合当律师)。 3. 〔英国〕照料(家务),照顾,帮助 (She does for her brother. 她给弟弟管家)。 do in 〔俚语〕 1. 杀死,害死。 2. 损坏,累垮。 3. 欺骗 (do oneself in 自杀。 do one's car in 车子坏了。 be done in by the heat 热坏了。 You'd better watch out, or you'll be getting done in. 你得当心点,不然会受骗)。 do it all 〔美俚〕服无期徒刑。 do one's thing 做自己喜欢做的事。 do one's bit 见 bit 条。 do one's damnedest 〔俚语〕苦干,拼命干。 do off 〔古语〕脱 (do off one's clothes 脱衣)。 do or die 干到底,决一死战,死而后已。 do out 打扫,收拾 (do out a room 收拾屋子)。 do sb. out of 1. 驱逐某人。 2. 欺骗某人 (He did me out of the job. 他把我解雇了。 She did me out of several hundred dollars. 她骗去了我几百元)。 do over 1. 重做,改做。 2. 重新装饰(房屋等)(do a room over 重新装饰房间)。 do sb. pround 使某人感到荣幸。 do time 服徒刑 (It's hard to get a decent job once you've done time. 一旦坐过牢,想再找个好工作就不那么容易了)。 do to 对待,处置 (do to death 〔古语〕处死)。 do unto 〔古语〕 = do to. do up 1. 包;捆 (do up a parcel 包包裹)。 2. 扣,结扎 (do up one's hair 扎好头发。 do up one's dress 扣上衣服)。 3. 整顿,修理,修饰;洗 (do up one's shirts 洗衬衫。 have one's house done up 收拾屋子)。 4. 〔口语〕使累垮,使极疲劳 (be done up with teaching all day 教一天书下来累得要命)。 5. 穿,打扮 (The waitresses are all done up in costumes. 女服务员都穿着制服)。 do well 1. 处置得当。 2. (病人等)情况好;成功,发达;顺遂;成绩好。 3. (植物)长得好 (He did well to refuse. 他拒绝得好)。 do with 1. 满足于,忍耐 (You must do with what you've got. 你必须知足。 I can't do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他的侮辱)。 2. 与…相处 (It's difficult to do with her. 和她不易相处)。 3. 处置,对付 (What shall I do with a man like that 怎样对付这样一种人呢?)。 do without 省去,无需 (The store hasn't any, so you'll have to do without. 店里没有,所以你就得将就一些了)。 Have done! 停止!结束! have done with 1. 办完,用完 (Have you done with the pen 你用好那支笔了吗?) 2. 已和…无关,和…断绝关系 (I have done with her. 我已和她断绝关系了)。 have to do with 和…有关系 (Smoking has a great deal to do with lung cancer. 吸烟和肺癌有很大关系。 have nothing to do with 和…无关系)。 How do you do 您好〔被介绍时及别后重见打招呼时用语〕。 make do with 将就,凑合着用 (She can't afford a new coat and so will have to make do with the old one. 她买不起新外衣,只能凑合着用旧的了。 用来避免动词的重复。 Use a book as a bee does (= uses) flowers. 像蜜蜂利用花一样地利用书吧。 Did you see him Yes, I did (= saw him). 你看见他了吗?嗯,看见了。 So do I. 我也是,我也如此 (You smoke sometimes, so do I. 你有时吸烟,我也如此)。 So I do. 是的,不错 (You smoke sometimes. - So I do. 你有时吸烟吧。 --是的)。 1. 〔构成疑问句〕。 Do you go 你去吗? Did you go 你去了吗? 2. 〔与 not 连用构成否定句〕。 I did not [didn't] go. 我没有去。 I do not [don't] know. 我不知道。 3. 〔用于加强语气和倒装语序的句中〕。 I do think so. 我的确是这样想的。 He did come. 他的确来过了。 Well do I remember it. 那我是记得一清二楚。 Never did I see such a thing. 我从来没有见过那样一种东西。 4. 〔命令和劝告〕。 Do not [don't] tell a lie. 莫撒谎。 Do come. 请一定来。 Do be quiet. 务请肃静!n.(pl. dos, do's )1.要求做到的事。2.〔俚语〕骗局,欺骗。3.〔英口〕宴会;庆祝会。4.〔英军俚〕交战。5.〔罕用语〕 〔pl.〕 处置;行动;〔英方〕骚动。6.成功。7.〔 pl.〕分配。 It's all a do. 这全是欺骗。 It was a tricky do. 这是一个狡猾的骗局。 We've got a do tonight. 家里今晚请客。 make a do of it 获得成功。 Fair do's! 公平分配! do one's do 做能做的事。 dos and don'ts 善恶好歹;注意事项;习惯;规章制度 (Observe the following dos and don'ts. 请遵守下列注意事项)。n.【音乐】(全音阶的)第一音, do 音。




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