

词汇 divide
释义 divide音标:[ di'vaid ]    过去式:divided   过去分词:divided   名词复数:divides   现在分词:dividing   vt.1.分,区分,划分 (into)。2.分配,分派,分给;分享,分担,分摊 (with; between; among)。3.分开,隔开,隔离 (from)。4.分裂,使对立;使(意见)分歧,离间(朋友);【化学】分离。5.【数学】除;除尽;【机械工程】在…上刻[分]度。 短语和例子divide words between syllables 给单词分音节。 Administratively, the country is divided into counties. 这个国家在行政区划分上分为许多郡。 The river divides the city into two parts. 那条河把市区分成两部分。 Opinions are divided on that point. 意见就在那一点上对立起来了。 divide ten dollars among five persons 十块美元五个人分。 divide profits with the stock-holders 和股东共分利润。 D- 6 by 3 and you get 2. 给3除6得2。 9 divides 36. 9 能除尽36。 divide a sextant 给六分仪分度。 be divided against itself 发生内讧 (If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 家不和,必自败)。vi.1.分,分开。2.分裂,(意见等)分歧。3.【数学】除,被除尽。4.(议会等)表决。短语和例子divide in one's mind 犹豫不决。 We all divide equally. 我们平等分配,各取一份。 The road divides six miles from here. 这条路在六英里之外有分岔。 He could add and subtract, but hadn't learned to divide. 他会做加减法,但还没有学会除法。 Eight divides by four. 8能被4除尽。 Five will not divide into nine. 5除不尽9。 D-! D-! (议会等中提出)表决!表决!n.1.分,分配。2.〔口语〕分裂。3.分界;〔美国〕分水岭。短语和例子divide and rule 分而治之。 the Great D- 1. 〔美国〕落矶山脉分水岭;主要分水岭。 2. 大限;死;生死关头 (cross the Great D- 死)。




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