

词汇 divert
释义 divert音标:[ di'və:t ]    vt.1.使转向,使转换,使转移 (from; to); 挪用(资金等);使(工作等)改行。2.使消遣,使解闷,使娱乐。3.【军事】箝制,佯攻。短语和例子divert the course of a stream = divert a stream from its course 改变河道流向。 divert one's attention 转移注意力。 divert children by telling stories 讲故事逗乐孩子。 They were greatly diverted by the play. 这场戏使他们很开心。 She was trained as a doctor but diverted to diplomacy. 她是学医的,但是改行做外交工作了。




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