

词汇 but
释义 but音标:[ bʌt ]    短语和例子Nothing would please her but that we go along. 只有我们一道去,她才会高兴。 I ask nothing from you but that you should come to see me once in a while. 我只要求你有时候来看看我。adv.1.〔书面语〕不过,只,仅仅;只能,至少,好歹。2.刚刚,才。3.〔书面语〕然而,另一方面。短语和例子This took him but a few minutes. 这仅仅花他几分钟时间。 She is but a child. 她不过是一个孩子罢了。 I can but hear. 我只能听听而已。 If I could but see him! 我要是能见一见他就好了! I can but try it. 我好歹试试看。 He left but an hour ago. 他一小时以前才离开。 It happened but yesterday. 这件事昨天刚发生。 B- I did go there. 然而我确实是去过那里了。vt.对(某人)讲“但是”(以示反对、拒绝等)。vi.(讲话时)总是“但是”,“但是”的。n.1.(讲话时说的)“但是”,“不过”。2.保留;反对;例外。短语和例子B- me no buts. 请你不要“但是,但是”的吧,请你别反对[拒绝、推诿]吧。 〔前一个 but 是及物动词,后一个 but 是名词: Do as I tell you, no but about it. 就照我说的办,不要有二话。 all but 1. 几乎,差点〔but 作副词〕(I all but fell into the well. 我几乎跌下井去)。 2. 除…而外的全部〔but 作介词〕(He could find all but one of his books. 他的书全能找到,只有一本除外)。 but definitely 〔美国〕的确,不错。 but for 〔书面语〕 1. 除…而外。 2. 要不是,如果没有 (B- for his footsteps, there was no other sound. 除他的脚步声而外,再没有别的声音。 She would have fallen but for his sudden arm. 要不是他一把抓住,她就摔倒了)。 but good 〔美俚〕完全,毫无疑问;狠狠地(I chewed him out but good - it won't happen again. 我把他狠狠地训斥了一番,这样的事不会再发生了)。 but then [yet] 但是,然而,可是,不过,另一方面(She didn't want to go to Paris - but then she didn't want to be at home either. 她不想去巴黎--但她也不想呆在家里)。 but what 1. 〔= but those which〕(There are no events but what have meaning. 但凡发生事件,都必有其意义)。 2. 〔= but that, 表示不肯定〕。 (I don't know but what I will go. 我不知道我是不是去)。 not but= not but that =〔方、口〕not but what... 虽不说不是,虽然(I cannot do it not but that a stronger might. 我干不了这件事,虽然不能说比我强的人也干不了)。adv.〔苏格兰语〕向外;向外室,向厨房。n.(苏格兰两间一套房屋的)外室,厨房。 but and ben with 与…亲密相处。 (apartments but and ben with each other 外室相连的两套房间)。




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