

词汇 discredit
释义 discredit过去式:discredited   过去分词:discredited   现在分词:discrediting   n.1.丧失信用,丧失信任。2.丧失名誉,丢脸,耻辱。3.不信,疑惑。短语和例子It is no discredit to him. 那是无损于他的名誉的。 His theories met with general discredits. 他的理论遭到普遍怀疑。 bring discredit on sb.'s name 玷污某人名誉。 bring discredit on oneself 使自己失信[丢脸]。 fall into discredit 声名狼藉。 throw [cast] discredit on [upon] 使人疑心…。vt.1.不信,怀疑;使成为不可信。2.损害…的信誉,丢…的丑。短语和例子an effort to discredit certain politicians 设法使某些政界人士丧失信誉。 His behaviour discredits him. 他的行为使他名誉扫地。 There was good reason to discredit the witness. 有充足的理由怀疑证人。adj.-able 损害信用的,不名誉的;丢脸的,耻辱的。adv.-ably




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