

词汇 enough
释义 enough音标:[ i'nʌf ]    adj.充足的,足够的。 enough eggs, eggs enough 鸡蛋十分充足〔后者语气较弱〕。 enough noise to wake the dead 吵得死人都不安。 enough and to spare 绰绰有余。 more than enough 太多。n.充足,满足,足够。 have enough to eat 有足够的东西吃。 E- of that! 够了,别说了! E- of this folly! 不要再干这种傻事了! Cry ‘enough'! 快认输吧! E- is as good as a feast. 【谚】饱食便是珍馐! 知足常乐。 have enough to do 很吃力 (I had enough to do to catch the tram. 我好容易才赶上电车)。 have had quite [about] enough of 感到厌烦。adv.〔用于被修饰语之后〕十分,充分,足,够。 I am warm enough. 我够暖和的。 He was fool (=foolish) enough to agree. 他同意了,真够傻的。 She was clever enough to take the management of her own house. 她很能干,一定会管家。 The meat is roasted just enough. 这肉烤得恰到好处。 Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐覆。 be old enough to 已经是可以…的年龄了。 can not ... enough 无论怎样…都不够 (I cannot thank you enough. 感谢不尽)。 curiously [oddly, strangely] enough 〔用作插入语〕说也奇怪,最奇怪的是。 sure enough 确实,果然。 well enough 1. 还不错,还可以。 2. 相当;很,极。int.够了!别再说了!




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