

词汇 well
释义 well音标:[ wel ]    n.1.井。2.泉水;源头,来源。3.坑,穴,凹处;【矿物】矿井,竖坑;【军事】(地雷的)井坑;【建筑】井孔;通风竖井;楼梯井,升降机井道。4.【机械工程】(插仪表的)插孔,(油轴承中的)室。5.(渔船的)养鱼舱;(书桌上的)墨水池。6.(阶梯形教室的)讲坛;(法庭的)律师席。短语和例子an artesian well 自流井,喷水井。 an oil well 油井。 a landing gear well 【航空】起落架舱。vi.涌出,喷出 (up out forth)。vt.使涌出,使喷出,使流出。 eyes welling tears of joy 涌出欢乐泪水的眼睛。 a fountain welling pure waters 喷射清水的喷泉。 well over 溢满。adv.( better best )1.好。2.适当,恰当,合适,正好。3.足够;完全;充分。4.很,相当。5.大概;很可能。6.有理。7.关心地,优待;赞扬。短语和例子That is well said. 说得好。 W- done! 好!做得好! It was well done of you to come. 你来得正好。 live well 生活得优越。 It may well be true. 这大概是真的。 You may well say that. 你那么说也有理。 be treated well 受优待,得到照顾。 as well 又,也;同样 ( He is a scientist, but he is a poet as well. 他是科学家又是诗人)。 as well as (除…之外)又…,既…又…,和…一样;…不用说 ( He gave me clothes as well as food. 他给我食物又给我衣服。 As well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. 一不做二不休,要干索性大干)。 be well on in life 年纪很大。 be well past (forty) 远远超过(四十岁)。 be well up in the list 列在最前面几个当中。 do oneself well 日子过得很好[富裕]。 may as well 还是…的好 ( You may as well go at once. 你还是马上去的好)。 may (as) well 也不坏,也有好处 ( We might well make the experiment. 我们做做实验也不坏)。 might as well 等于,不如 ( You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him. 你借钱给他等于丢在海里)。 stand well with ...中…的意,受…欢迎。 W- met! 幸会,幸会! well off = well to do 经济宽裕,富裕。 well over (a hundred) 远远超过(一百)。adj.(better best)1.健康(的),痊愈(的),健全(的)。2.适当(的),得当(的)。3.正好(的),好;满意(的)。短语和例子a well man 〔美国〕健康的人。 Quite well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。 It is well you came along. 你来得正好。 be as well …也好 ( It may be as well to explain. 说明说明也好)。 It is all very well, but ...这好倒是很好,可是…。 very well 非常好;非常健康;好。 Well and good. (既然…,那就)好吧,没法了;那也好。 well enough 相当好。n.好,满意。 I wish him well. 我希望他幸福。 Let well alone. 那样很好,别去管它;不要画蛇添足;不要多事。int.〔表示吃惊、安心、让步、谈话的重新开始、期待、断念等的意思〕1.哎呀,唷;怎么!2.好啦。3.好,那么,那么说的时候。4.喔,这个;可是,且说,至于。5.后来。6.算啦。短语和例子W-, to be sure! = W-, I never! = W- now! 唷,这倒奇怪! W-, here we are at last. 好啦,好容易到了。 W-, do as you please. 那么[好吧],随你的便罢。 W- then, say no more about it. 那么这事情就这样算啦。 W-, who was it 可是,那是谁呢? W- then 后来怎样啦? W-, it cannot be helped. 算了,没办法。n.-ness 〔美口〕身心健康(a wellness center [program]身心健康中心[计划])。




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