

词汇 sure
释义 sure音标:[ ʃuə ]    adj.1.〔用作表语〕(主观觉得)确实的;深信,确信;(对…)有信心,有把握 (of; that); 肯定(要),一定(会) (to do; to be)。2.〔用作定语〕(客观上)无疑问的,真实的,实在的;不可避免的,必然要发生的;(方法、效果等)正确的;可靠的;稳妥的,牢靠的,坚固的;(立场)坚定的。短语和例子Are you sure (of it)? 你认为确实的吗? 真的吗? I am not so sure of that. 我不太清楚。 Don't be too sure. 别太肯定。 Fight no battle you are not sure of winning. 不打无把握之仗。 I'm not sure if I can do it. 我不敢肯定我能做。 It's sure to be wet. 肯定要下雨。 a sure proof 确凿的证据。 slow and sure 稳步的。 a sure draw 一定可以打出狐狸来的矮树丛;一定可以套出实情来的话。 a sure hand 可靠的人。 a sure poison 〔美棒球俚〕优秀投手。 a sure shot 〔美俚〕神枪手,百发百中的射击员。 be sure of [that] 确信,深信(He is sure of success. 他深信他会成功。 You may be sure of his honesty. 你可以相信他的诚实)。 be [feel] sure of oneself 自信。 be sure to (do) 必定,一定 (His work is sure to succeed. 他的工作必定获得成功。 Be sure to tell me. 别忘记一定讲给我听)。 feel sure (of, that ...) =be sure (of, that ...). for sure 一定要,必须;必然,当然,毫无疑问(Be there by six o'clock for sure. 你一定要在六点钟以前到那里)。 I am sure 的确,真的;一定(I'm sure I don't know. =I'm sure I can't tell. 我真的不知道)。 make assurance double [doubly] sure 要稳 而又稳,要加倍小心[注意]。 make sure 弄明白,查明白,小心一点;确信(I believe the line is from ‘Lycidas', but you had better make sure. 我相信这一句诗是“李西达斯”里面的,然而你最好是查查看。 I make sure it would rain, but it didn't. 我确信要下雨的,可是没下)。 make sure of 将,弄明白,查明白;将…拿到手;叮嘱明白。 make sure (that) 务必;务请(Please make sure you understand this point. 务请你们体谅这一点)。 S- thing! 〔美俚〕真的! 当然(Shall you be at the dance - S- thing! 你参加舞会吗?--当然参加!) to be sure 1. 〔让步〕自然,固然。 2. 〔感叹〕哎呀! 真的!一点不假 (So it is, to be sure ! 一点不假就是那样啦! Well, To be sure ! 哼,好!啊!) Well, I am sure ! =To be sure!adv.的确,一定;〔美国〕当然! 好。 Are you coming - S-! 你去吗? --当然去。 as sure as a gun, as sure as eggs are eggs, as sure as death [fate], as sure as nails, as sure as you live 〔口语〕的的确确。 sure enough 果真(I said it would be, and sure enough it is. 果然被我说中了)。n.-ness




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