

词汇 difference
释义 difference音标:[ 'difərəns ]    过去式:differenced   过去分词:differenced   名词复数:differences   现在分词:differencing   n.1.差异,差别。2.不和,争论。3.【数学】差,差额。4.【逻辑学】特殊性。短语和例子There is no difference between them. 两者毫无差别。 the difference of jetsam from flotsam 弃货不同于浮货。 What difference can it make 不是一样吗? He is an artist with a difference. 他是别具风格的艺术家。 distinction without difference 无聊的区别。 make a difference 发生差别;使…有差别;(结果等)是重要的,有关系[影响] (One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。 Don't let it make any difference. 没关系。 make a difference between A and B 使甲乙有别,对甲乙不一样)。 pay [meet] the difference 付差额金。 seek common ground while reserving differences 求同存异。 settle differences 调停。 split the difference 1. 折中,妥协。 2. 均分剩下的东西。vt.〔罕用语〕区别,使有差别。




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